Alyssum-QR - Manning's Greenhouse

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The Alyssum

Alyssum, scientifically known as Lobularia maritima, is a charming flowering plant that holds a rich history and origins deeply rooted in Mediterranean regions. Belonging to the Brassicaceae family, Alyssum has captivated gardeners worldwide with its delicate blooms and sweet fragrance since ancient times. Its name derives from the Greek word "alyssos," meaning "curing madness," hinting at its traditional medicinal uses. Throughout history, Alyssum has been cherished for its ornamental value in gardens, borders, and hanging baskets, as well as for its ability to attract beneficial insects such as butterflies and bees.
Scientific Name - Lobularia maritima

Cultivating Alyssum requires minimal effort, making it a favorite among novice and experienced gardeners alike. This resilient annual thrives in well-drained soil with full sun exposure, though it can tolerate partial shade. Alyssum is relatively drought-tolerant, requiring only moderate watering, especially during hot and dry periods. Regular deadheading promotes continuous blooming throughout the growing season, while occasional pruning helps maintain its compact and bushy growth habit. Here are some best planting and gardening practices for Alyssum.

  • Prior to planting, a- Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.

  • Plant Alyssum seeds or seedlings after the danger of frost has passed in spring.

  • Space plants 6-12 inches apart, depending on the variety.

  • Water regularly, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

  • Apply a balanced fertilizer once a month to encourage healthy growth.

  • Mulch around plants to retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

  • Deadhead spent blooms regularly to prolong flowering.

  • Trim leggy stems to promote bushier growth.

  • Protect plants from pests such as aphids by using organic pest control methods.

  • Enjoy the delightful fragrance and vibrant blooms of Alyssum throughout the growing season, and consider saving seeds for future plantings.

By following these simple guidelines, gardeners can enjoy the beauty and charm of Alyssum while creating a welcoming environment for pollinators in their gardens.
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