Peas-QR - Manning's Greenhouse

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The Pea

The pea, scientifically known as Pisum sativum, has a rich and diverse history dating back thousands of years. Originating in the Mediterranean region, peas have been cultivated since ancient times, with evidence of their consumption dating back to the Bronze Age. They spread across Europe and Asia, becoming a staple in diets due to their nutritional value and versatility. Peas played a significant role in the development of agriculture and cuisine, with various cultivars emerging over time to suit different climates and preferences. Today, peas are cultivated worldwide, with major producers including China, India, and Russia.

Cultivating peas requires attention to detail and adherence to best practices to ensure optimal growth and yield. Peas thrive in cool weather and well-drained soil, making early spring or late summer planting ideal. Prior to planting, it's essential to prepare the soil by incorporating organic matter and ensuring proper drainage. Peas should be planted in rows with spacing of 2-4 inches apart, at a depth of 1-2 inches. Providing support such as trellises or stakes is beneficial for vining varieties.
Scientific Name - Pisum sativum

Here are some best planting and gardening practices for peas:
  • Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.
  • Start seeds indoors in peat pots several weeks before the last frost date for an early harvest.
  • Direct sow seeds in the garden once the soil temperature reaches around 45°F (7°C).
  • Plant seeds 1-2 inches deep and 2-4 inches apart in rows.
  • Install supports such as trellises or stakes for vining varieties.
  • Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  • Mulch around plants to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer once or twice during the growing season.
  • Monitor for pests such as aphids and caterpillars, and address promptly if detected.
  • Harvest when the pods are plump and firm, but before they become tough and starchy.

By following these planting and gardening practices, enthusiasts can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh, flavorful peas throughout the growing season.
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