Shasta Daisy-QR - Manning's Greenhouse

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The Shasta Daisy

The Shasta Daisy, scientifically known as Leucanthemum × superbum 'Alaska', traces its origins to the breeding efforts of Luther Burbank in the late 19th century. This iconic perennial is a hybrid of various wild daisy species native to Europe, primarily Leucanthemum maximum and Leucanthemum lacustre. Burbank's intent was to create a daisy with larger, more vibrant blooms suitable for ornamental gardening. The resulting Shasta Daisy, first introduced in 1901, quickly gained popularity for its resilience, long bloom period, and classic white petals surrounding a golden center.

Cultivating the Shasta Daisy involves adhering to specific practices to ensure optimal growth and blooming. This hardy perennial thrives in well-draining soil with full sunlight exposure, although it can tolerate partial shade in hotter climates. Adequate spacing between plants is essential to prevent overcrowding and promote air circulation, which helps prevent diseases. Regular watering, especially during dry spells, is crucial for healthy growth, although the soil should never become waterlogged. Deadheading spent blooms encourages continuous flowering throughout the growing season. Additionally, dividing clumps every two to three years rejuvenates the plant and maintains its vigor.
Scientific Name - Leucanthemum × superbum 'Alaska',

Best Planting and Gardening Practices for Shasta Daisy:

  • Choose a sunny location with well-draining soil.
  • Space plants approximately 18 to 24 inches apart.
  • Water consistently, ensuring soil remains moist but not waterlogged.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring to promote vigorous growth.
  • Mulch around plants to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Deadhead spent blooms regularly to encourage continuous flowering.
  • Divide clumps every two to three years to maintain plant health and vigor.
  • Monitor for pests and diseases, addressing any issues promptly to prevent spread.
  • Consider staking taller varieties to support heavy blooms and prevent flopping.
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